Artist, educator and researcher of haptic aesthetics. Graduated in Visual Arts in 2014 (UFRGS, Brazil) and Master in Visual Poetics in 2018 (UFRGS, Brazil). She is currently a doctoral student at the University of Barcelona, where she is also teaching Sound Art disciplines. Currently Burd is a member of the research groups: 'Connected Bodies II. New processes of creation and diffusion of the practices of identity artists in non-presentiality'(UB, ES) and ‘Biohybrid Bodies: a sociological framework for living with Living Machines" (UCL, UK). Joana has presented seven solo exhibitions, in the past year she exhibited her work in London (UCL), SBCAST (Santa Barbara, CA, USA), RIW Rio Innovation Week (Rio de Janeiro, BR) and Atelie397 / Galeria Vermelho (São Paulo, BR).
E-mail: joanabburd@gmail.com
My work develops within art, physics and technology through interactive sculptures, videos and sound installations, collaborating with artists, social ethnographers, performers and engineers. I focus my practice in a hybrid of low technology assemblies and open source coding platforms. The pieces aim to offer tactile experiences for the public to interact and engage their bodies with the vibration phenomenal. I research how motors and speakers can question objects of desire and the gender perspective in the digital field. I’m also interested in the affective impact of technology and how to create new forms of dialog through touch and haptic devices.
PhD Advanced Studies in Artistic Productions [2019-23]
Programa de doctorado de la Universitat de Barcelona
Facultat de Bellas Artes
Advisor: Laura Baigorri
Thesis: Poetics of vibration: deployments of technology in contact with the body as affective memory
Master in Visual Poetics [2016-18]
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Instituto de Artes
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Alberto Semeler
Thesis: Vibratory Body: when the movement calls for pause
Graduation Visual Arts [2011-14]
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Instituto de Artes
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Celso Vitelli
Thesis: Digital Natives: A research on flows between art and technology
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro [2013]
Escola de Belas Artes
Academic Mobility (exchange). Duration: 1 semester
Solo Exhibitions
2021 "Cold skin. The automata of wanting." Curated by Ana Urroz. October 2021. Ateneu de Fabricació Les Corts, Barcelona, ES.
2021 "The Autòmatas: sentimental prototypes", September 2021, Casa del Mig, Barcelona, ES.
2019 “Silent Mode”. September 2019, Galeria do Linha, Porto Alegre, BR.
2018 “Vibratory Body”. September 2018. Casa Musgo, Porto Alegre, BR.
2017 “SHIFT”. May 2017. Galeria do Templo, Rio de Janeiro, BR.
2016 “Keys”. October 2016. Curated by Fernanda Medeiros. Centro Municipal de Cultura Ordovás, Caxias do Sul, BR.
2016 “Nutritive Machines”. May 2016. Galeria Lunara, Usina do Gasômetro, Porto Alegre, BR.
Selected Group Exhibitions
2024 - Virada Sonica, curated by Chico Dub, Farol Santander, São Paulo, BR
2024 - SOUND DIARIES. Sonic Art Research Unit (SARU) at Oxford Brookes University, UK.
2023 - Inauguration Ceremony for the 2023-24 academic year. University of Barcelona, October 2, 2023. Barcelona, ES.
2023 - Ebre, Música & Patrimoni 2023: Acústica i noves tecnologies, Consorci del Museu de les Terres de l’Ebre, Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya, ES.
2023 - "Symphonic Poem for 100 Metronomes by Ligeti, from October 6, 2023, to October 15, 2023. Master's in Sound Art at the University of Barcelona, coordinated by Martí Ruiz. Museum of Music, Barcelona, ES.
2023 - ELECTRIC DAISY. A multi-sensory performance that invites you to taste a natural infusion to make your mouth vibrate in sync with a captivating soundscape at the Old Fire Station Studio.15th June 2023, OffBeat Festival, Oxford, UK.
2023 - PERFORMANCE: Biohybrid Buzz: an activation through tasting frequencies. 10th of June, Iklectik, London, UK.
2023 - “COCOCOCU” Festival Kino Beat, Curated by Gabriel Cevallos & Adauany Zimovski, support British Council and Oi Futuro, MACRS, Museu de Arte Contemporânea do Rio Grande do Sul, BR.
2023 - FACTO 10 é Bienal Sur, Festival Arte, Ciência e Tecnologia. Natureza em Metamorfose. Labart UFSM, MACT, Santa Maria, BR.
2022 - Innovation Art Journey, RIO Innovation Week – Inovação a Favor da Cultura, Rio Pop Tech, Cais do Porto da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, BR.
2022 - "Vivemos para isso" | 'VOA 2022-2023 Call for Female Artists and Non-Binary People. Curators: Bruna Fernanda, Érica Burini, Khadyg Fares, Thais Rivitti. Galpão da Vermelho and Ateliê397, September 24 - October 23, São Paulo, BR.
2022 - "Platform 10 Deserts of Errors", Project by Artist Leo Caobelli, supported by Rumos Itaú Cultural 2019-2020, Porto Alegre, BR.
2022 - 'Solitude Lullaby', created for the Slow Wave system. Invited artist in "EoYS II SYMADES 2022 UCSB Media Arts and Technology Program End of Year Show". UC Santa Barbara, 27th of May, SBCAST - Center of Art Science and Technology, USA.
2022 - "Visual Brasil Festival" curated by Ricardo Cançado, September 30 - October 01. Industrial Park, Barcelona, ES.
2022 - Materia Difusa: A look at the MACRS collection, living language cutouts. Curated by Gabriela Motta. Exhibition commemorating the 30th anniversary of the MACRS Museum. Galeria Edmundo Rodrigues do Complexo Palacete Pedro Osório, July 16 - August 21, Bagé, BR.
2022 - Installation "Tactame" DelMig Collective: Blanca Somoza, Helena Gali, Ignasi Àvila Padró, Joana Burd, Mario Salinero, Neus Martinez Farran e Sara Jansen, Verso, From April to July, Gramado, Rio Grande do Sul, BR
2021 - "Criatech Aveiro Digital Creativity & Technology." Curated by Carlos Verissimo. Festival October 11 — 16, 2021. Aveiro, Pt.
2021 - "The Days that Owls Fell from Heaven." Curated by Elaine Tedesco and Marina Polidoro. Plataforma Verter. Laboratório de Imagem e Tecnologia do Instituto de Artes da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, BR.
2021 - "NEW(EGO) Cuerpos Conectados."Curated by Laura Baigorri. ETOPIA Centro de Arte y Tecnología." Zaragosa, ES.
2021 - "Mulheres e inserções digitais" Curated by Lara Sosa, Lisboa, PT.
2020 - "Dystopie Festival", Errant Sound. Alte Müze. Berlin. DE.
2020 - "Criatech, Digital creativity & technology". Museu de Aveiro/Santa Joana. Exhibition October 12 - 18, 2020. Aveiro, PT.
2020 - "30 Semanas". Galeria do Linha, Porto Alegre, BR.
2019 – “3o Prêmio de Arte Contemporânea 2019 da Aliance Française”. Paço Municipal da Prefeitura de Porto Alegre, BR.
2019 – “Desalinhos.” Curated by Carina Dias, Fernanda Almeida e Lucas Vilela Souza. Casa Baka Arte e Cultura, Porto Alegre, BR.
2019 – “Festival Internacional de Arte Computacional Em Meios# 11.0” FBAUL Faculdade de Belas Artes, Universidade de Lisbon, PT
2019 - Participation in Leo Caobelli’s solo exhibition with the art work “Porn Oasis. Fundação Ecarta, Porto Alegre, BR.
2019 - Exhibition in event. “Humanidade Aumentada”. Futuro Rio, Rio de Janeiro, BR.
2019 – “Registro No3”, Casa Baka, Porto Alegre, BR.
2018 – “5 ̊ Festival Kino Beat”. Mostra AVSD curated by Elaine Tedesco. Vila Flores, Porto Alegre, BR.
2018 – “AVSD Audio Visual Sem Destino”. Pinacoteca Barão de Santo Ângelo, Instituto de Artes da UFRGS, Porto Alegre, BR.
2018 – “Exposição ImensaMente”. Museu da UFRGS, Porto Alegre, BR.
2018 – “1a Edição do Projeto Concha”, idealized by Alice Castiel Ruas, Agulha, Porto Alegre, BR.
2017 – “Paragem”. Pinacoteca Barão de Santo Ângelo, Instituto de Artes da UFRGS, Porto Alegre, BR.
2017 – “Festival Internacional de Arte Computacional Em Meio# 9.0” Galeria da Universidade do Porto, Porto, PT.
2017 – “Qual é a sua praia?” PPGAV-IA UFRGS. Produced by Prof. Dra. Tetê Barachini. Vila Flores, Porto Alegre, BR.
2016 - “Internacional de Arte Computacional Em Meio# 8.0” Internacional. Museu da Republica, Brasilia, BR.
2016 – “Vontade de Execução”. Cadu Peixoto e Joana Burd. Galeria Iberê Camargo, Usina do Gasômetro, Porto Alegre, BR.
2016 – “Presente Rascunho.” Acervo Independente, Porto Alegre, BR.
2015 – “FACTORS 2.0, Festival de Arte, Ciência e Tecnologia do RS”, MASM (Museu de Arte de Santa Maria), BR.
2015 – “Sinestesia”, Acervo Independente, Porto Alegre, BR.
2015 – “O Feminismo é para todas as pessoas”, Acervo Independente, Porto Alegre, BR.
2015 - "E F E R V E S C Ê N C I A 2 1 9" , Acervo Independente, Porto Alegre, BR.
2015 – “Por onde se vai,” Câmara Municipal de Porto Alegre, BR.
2014 – “20o Salão de Artes Plásticas Câmara Municipal de Porto Alegre”, BR.
2014 – “Entre Atos”, Acervo Independente, Porto Alegre, BR. 2013 – “IV Bienal da Escola de Belas Artes”, Centro Municipal Hélio Oiticica, Rio de Janeiro, BR.
2013 - Event, “MoMa Pop Rally: Abstract Currents”, New York, US.
2012 – Site-specific sculptures to music concert of Dingo Bells, Ocidente, Porto Alegre, BR.
Art Residences
2023 - Anthill Residence, 8º Festival Kino Beat, CCMQ, Brazil.
2022 - SBCAST, Santa Barbara Center of Art, Science and Technology, USA.
2021 - Kovent Zero, Berga, Spain.
2021 - Punt Multimèdia de Sants - Montjuïc, Casa del Mig. Barcelona, Spain.
2020 - Aveiro Criatech Artist Residence. Aveiro, Portugal.
2019 - Residência artística, Linha. Porto Alegre, Brazil.
2013-2017 Acervo Independente. Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Research Grants and Awards
2022 Winner of Digital Artists Grant - Moniker International Art Fair Foundation and Creative Debuts, London, UK.
2022 Santander Investigación | ESTADES 2022, ES.
2021 Winner of LA RODA II award - art and technology for young creators, organized by the FAB Casa del Mig - Punt multimèdia. Barcelona City Council, ES.
2021 Konvent 100% Scholarship support for August 2021, Berga, ES.
2020 Scholarship Personal Investigator Novell (FI) Cuerpos Conectados, ES.
2020 Support Fund Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, PT.
2019 Nominated Artist. 3o Prêmio de Arte Contemporânea 2019 da Alliance Française, BR.
2015 IX Azorian Award for visual Arts. Institutional Highlight. Member and Manager of the team Acervo Independente, BR.
2013 Scholarship for art investigation and studies Santander ANDIFES – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, BR.
Academic Conferences
2024 - "Interdisciplinary Speculations for the Future of Biohybrid Robots" Rafael Mestre, Ned Barker, Sergey Astakhov, Aníbal M. Astobiza, Maria Guix, Joana Burd, Matt Ryan. fPET 2024, Center for Art and Media - ZKM ZKM Kalshude, DE.
2022 - Private viewing “Biohybrid Buzz 1.0”. November 23rd. Invited by Matt Lewis and Joe Hirst RCA Royal College of Arts, London, UK.
2022 - "Reverting metal on flesh: derivations from the afterlife of technology." ReMAP Research in Media Arts and Play Knowledge Lab's Seminar Room. November 10th. UCL, University College of London, London, UK.
2022 - “The entity of automatons: technology, body, affection and intimacy”, Intellectual Life , UCL Knowledge Lab IOE UCL’s Faculty of Education & Society, University College London, London, UK.
2022 - "Cold Skin, machines that vibrate us", SAR 13th SAR International Conference on Artistic Research, Bauhaus University, Weimar, DE.
2022 - "Vibrating Pulses: the skin as perceptor", Conversas Barcelona, La Social Libreria, Barcelona. ES
2022 - "Procesos de la poetica de la vibración", E.I.D 2022 Encuentro de Investigadores Doctorales del program EAPA. University of Barcelona, ES.
2021 - Artist Talk. MTF Labs 2021. International | Aveiro, PT.
2021 - "ArchID, an online cartographic archive." BIONICAS 1.0 Conference. Women, Art, Technology and Society. BLA BLA Conference Program. TABLE 3: Archive, body and media. Authors*: Joana Burd. Celebrated December 27-30, 2021. Barcelona, Spain.
2020 - “Body, interaction and sensation: haptic aesthetics as a protagonist in times of touchscreen.” I CIVARTES International Virtual Congress: Dialogues between visual arts and visuals and other artistic mediums in times of hybridization. Celebrated on July 20-22, 2020, ES.
2020 –“Tactile connections of Inês Norton”. 2020. CSO Criadores Sobre outras obras. Lisbon, PT
2019 – “Vibratory body, when movement aks for pause.” #18art Encontro Internacional de Arte e Tecnologia, FBAUL, Lisbon, PT.
2018 – “Utopian rotations and becoming machine”. Centro de Artes UFPEL, Pelotas, , BR.
2017 – “The black mirror in information cities”. Seminário Qual é a sua praia? Vila Flores, Porto alegre, , BR.
2017 – “The eternalization of memory and everyday noise: new ways of thinking about digital art and shared anguish.” #16art Encontro Internacional de Arte e Tecnologia, Porto, PT.
2015 - Exhibition Seminar “Por onde se vai”, na Câmara Municipal de Porto Alegre, BR. 29/07.
2015 - " Visual arts teaching project: the internship experience under discussion ", na
disciplina Laboratório de Projetos de Ensino em Artes Visuais I, promovida pelo Curso de Artes Visuais do Instituto de Artes, UFRGS, no dia 12 de Junho de 2015. Prof. Dr. Celso Vitelli, BR.
2014 – Seminar “Autopoiesis: Espaços de Arte e Coletivos Independentes do Rio Grande do Sul” em Caxias do Sul, BR. De 02/05 a 04/05.
2014 - “About the collaborative art project of Acervo Independente” Evento Observatório de Economia Criativa na UFRGS, Porto Alegre, BR. 15/08
2023 - "Data sonification and Living Machines" (with Joana Burd, Ned Barker, and Nikolas Gomes) 14th of June, Oxford Brooks University, Oxford, UK. NGFDS Software Link
2023 - "Data sonification and Living Machines" (with Joana Burd, Ned Barker, and Nikolas Gomes) 10th of June, Iklectik, London, UK.
2023 - "Revealing and Sonifying Living Capsules (with Joana Burd, Ned Barker, and Nikolas Gomes) 20th May ISEA 2023 SYMBIOSIS International Symposium of Electronic Arts, Forum de les images, Paris, FR.
2022 - Workshop Sensory Ethnography “Some Prototype Living Capsules” (with Joana Burd & Ned Barker), Bloomsbury Theatre, UCL, UK.
2022 - "Three stages of touch: an immersion in haptic aesthetics." MARGS, Museu de Arte do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, BR.
2021 - "Video Artistic Experimentations and Co-Creation Laboratory", Experimental Workshops with the artists Diego Marchante & Joana Burd. ETOPIA, Art and Technology Center, Zaragoza, ES
2019 - “Video Mapping em on miscellaneous objects”, Edition II. At Linha. Porto Alegre, BR.
2019 - “Video Mapping on miscellaneous objects”, Edition I. At Linha. Porto Alegre, BR.
2016 - Theoretical and practical course " Art Exhibition Production ", At Acervo Independente, Porto Alegre, BR. 1/03 a 7/04
2016 – “Independent Spaces” at Campus 8, Centro de Artes e Arquitetura, Pró Reitoria Acadêmica, Universidade Federal de Caxias do Sul 21.10.2016, BR.
2015 – Teacher with Cadu Peixoto of the Course “#contemporaryart”, at Acervo Independente, Porto Alegre, BR.
2014- Course “The cloud as an exhibition space: production and post production in Visual Arts” at 28o Festival de Arte da Cidade de Porto Alegre, Secretaria Municipal da Cultura, Porto Alegre, BR.
2013 – Course “Videoarte x Low Budget” at Semana Acadêmica, Instituto de Artes UFRGS, Porto Alegre, BR.
2024 - Lecturer in the discipline "Escultura I y II ". Facultat de Belles Arts, Universitat de Barcelona, ES.
2024 - Lecturer in the discipline "Video Art and Lab Audiovisual". Lab MediaFacultat de Belles Arts, Universitat de Barcelona, ES.
2022 -2023 Lecturer in the discipline "Art Sonor" together with Prof. Dr. Josep Cerdá Ferrè and Prof. Dr. Martí Ruiz. Facultat de Belles Arts, Universitat de Barcelona, ES.
2021 - Lecturer in the discipline "Art Sonor" together with Prof. Dr. Martí Ruiz. Facultat de Belles Arts, Universitat de Barcelona, ES.
2016-2019 Visual Arts Teacher at Colegio Israelita Brasileiro, BR.
2016-2017 Teacher at the Sculpture Club at Colegio Israelita Brasileiro, BR.
2017 - Teaching Internship in Higher Education in the Laboratory of Art and Technology. 8 lessons. Total Hours: 30h. BR.
Research Groups
2021- 2024 Researcher. Connected Bodies II. New processes of creation and diffusion of the practices of identity artists in non-presentiality. Center: Department Arts Visuals i Disseny. Universitat de Barcelona (PID2020-116999RB-I00. IP: Laura Baigorri Ballarin and Pedro Ortuño Mengual. ES.
2022 - Researcher and collaborating artist. ‘Biohybrid Bodies: a sociological framework for living with Living Machines’ - funded by the Leverhulme Trust. IP: Dr. Ned Barker. Faculty of Education, UCL University College of London, UK.
2021 - Researcher. IMARTE Project. Research in artistic processes and new technologies (20172019SGR1182). Center: Department Arts Visuals i Disseny. University of Barcelona. IP: Dr. Eloi Puig. ES
2020 - 2021 Researcher. Project: Connected bodies, Art and identity cartographies in Transmedia society (HAR2017-84915-R). Center: Department Arts Visuals i Disseny. University of Barcelona. IP: Laura Baigorri Ballarin and Pedro Ortuño Mengual. ES
2016- 2018. Researcher. Project: Network of digital arts experiments: visual programming, reverse engineering and 3D printing. Center: Institute of Arts. Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. IP: Alberto Ribas Marinho Semeler. BR
2022 - Organization of the “EID 2022” Encuentro de Investigador@s Doctorales, from the Doctorate Program Estudios Avanzados en Producciones Artísticas, Facultad de Bellas Artes, Universidad de Barcelona, ES.
2021 - Curator of the Augmented Reality exhibition as part of the International Festival "Criatech, Aveiro Digital Creativity & Technology." Festival 11 — 16 October 2021. Aveiro, PT
2019 - Jury. NIME New Interfaces for Musical Expression. [Internacional]
2018 - Participant. Projeto Atelier na Galeria, Casa Musgo, Porto Alegre, BR.
2017 – Jury/Peer reviewer. "Exposição dos trabalhos finais da disciplina de Projeto IV" Inovação Social, no Curso de Design da ESPM Sul, Porto Alegre, 28 de Novembro de 2017. Prof. Dra. Liliane Basso, BR.
2014 – Round Table. “Encontro de Gestores – Projeto Cadernos de Gestão com apoio do edital Processos Culturais Colaborativos FAC/RS”, no Atelier Subterrânea, Porto Alegre, BR. 27/10.
2014 – Round Table. Encontro Circuito Montagem, TransLab, na Casa Duplan 15/07, Porto Alegre, BR.
Collaborative Projects
2022 - "Tactame" Installation - DelMig Collective: Blanca Somoza, Helena Gali, Ignasi Àvila Padró, Joana Burd, Mario Salinero, Neus Martinez Farran e Sara Jansen. Gramado, Rio Grande do Sul, BR.
2022 - “10 deserts of errors”, project contemplated by the Rumos program of Itaú cultural. Main artist Leo Caobelli, BR.
2020-21 - Earth Pulse Art Installation project - com Darya Efrat e João Dias-Oliveira. Aveiro Criatech Artist Residences. PT.
2019 – Art installation “Porn Oasis” with the artist Leo Caobelli.
2019 – Video mapping and photo performance “corpObra” with the artist Charlene Bicalho at Art Residency PPP Península Motorhome.
2019 - Art Installation “Dizem que o Brasil está polarizado” with the artist and psychoanalyst Laura Pujol.
2018 - Vídeo and vídeo mapping “Vibratory Body” with dancer and performer Paula Finn
2018 - Vídeo “Buraco” with Carina Macedo.
2016 – Art Installation “A Fugitiva” with artist and professor Alberto Semeler.
2016 - Co-authorship, production and assembly of the exhibition. “Will of execution” with the artist Cadu Peixoto.
2015 - Video-Installation “para PerroLibre “ with the artists Cadu Peixoto, Cacau Weimer, Gabriela Stragliotto e Priscila Kisiolar.
2014 – Sound Installation “Tagarelas” in collaboration with the writer Dieter Axt.
2013 - Creation of “Acervo Independente" with Cadu Peixoto, Cacau Weimer, Fernanda Medeiros, Priscila Kisiolar, Manoela Furtado e Zeh Poeta.
English Português Castellano Català
Museu de Arte Contemporânea do Rio Grande do Sul, BR.
Centro Municipal de Cultura Ordovás, Caxias do Sul, BR
2010 - present
2010 - present