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- Serviços | joanaburd
Serviços exclusivos Essa é a sua página de serviços. É uma ótima oportunidade para falar sobre os serviços que você oferece. Clique 2 vezes na caixa de texto para começar a editar o seu conteúdo e adicionar todos os dados que deseja compartilhar com os visitantes. Serviço Esse é um parágrafo. Clique em "Editar Texto" ou clique 2 vezes na caixa de texto para editar o conteúdo e adicionar as informações que deseja compartilhar com os seus visitantes. Serviço Esse é um parágrafo. Clique em "Editar Texto" ou clique 2 vezes na caixa de texto para editar o conteúdo e adicionar as informações que deseja compartilhar com os seus visitantes. As pessoas estão interessadas em saber mais sobre você, então não tenha medo de compartilhar histórias pessoais para criar um conteúdo amigável. Serviço Esse é um parágrafo. Clique em "Editar Texto" ou clique 2 vezes na caixa de texto para editar o conteúdo e adicionar as informações que deseja compartilhar com os seus visitantes. Serviço Sou um parágrafo. Clique em Editar Texto ou clique 2 vezes na caixa de texto para editá-la. Serviço Esse é um parágrafo. Clique em "Editar Texto" ou clique 2 vezes na caixa de texto para editar o conteúdo e adicionar as informações que deseja compartilhar com os seus visitantes. As pessoas estão interessadas em saber mais sobre você, então não tenha medo de compartilhar histórias pessoais para criar um conteúdo amigável. Serviço Sou um parágrafo. Clique em Editar Texto ou clique 2 vezes na caixa de texto para editá-la.
- Anguish Massager | joanaburd
Força i Pell Living Capsules Solitude Lullaby Formigario Sonoro Tactame A Virtual A Sonora A Carinhosa As_automatas.web File.img.mp3 Earth Pulse Anthozoa Digitalis Silent Mode 2.0: Body Silent Mode Technological Sensitive Where do the bubbles go Vibratory Body Inside Voice Porn Oasis Knot in the throat/videomapping Keys Anguish Massager The box Atucanation Fare Place They say Brazil is polarized Artificial Tanning Cradle Four Islands The chatterboxes Other objects and experiences Other video Interviews Serviços Resultados de busca Anguish Massager, 2016 Interactive object 2 DC motors, 3 push buttons, 9V supply. 180 x 47 x 47 cm The interactor/user is invited to connect to the object, being able to choose different sensations through the buttons: “Digest” (intense vibrations), "Soften” (light vibrations) and “Forget” (medium vibrations). In addition to the buttons, the piece has a height regulator and a black vinyl sticker placed in the space where the feet should be positioned for sensory enjoyment. 1/1
- Other videos | joanaburd
Força i Pell Living Capsules Solitude Lullaby Formigario Sonoro Tactame A Virtual A Sonora A Carinhosa As_automatas.web File.img.mp3 Earth Pulse Anthozoa Digitalis Silent Mode 2.0: Body Silent Mode Technological Sensitive Where do the bubbles go Vibratory Body Inside Voice Porn Oasis Knot in the throat/videomapping Keys Anguish Massager The box Atucanation Fare Place They say Brazil is polarized Artificial Tanning Cradle Four Islands The chatterboxes Other objects and experiences Other video Interviews Serviços Resultados de busca Carina Macedo e Joana Burd Hole, 2018 Video 1'37'' Hologram, 2016 Video performance for a hologram Video with plastic folding. To make the hologram display at home click here: DIY 3D Hologram Pyramid Nutritive rat, 2015 Vídeo 2'24'' Separation attempt, 2015 Video 1'20"
- CV Joana Burd
Texts Burd, Joana. (2024). Dialogues of the tactile body. In L. Baigorri & P. Ortuño (Eds.), Identity art in non-presentiality, Dykinson, Madrid. Barker, Ned. Burd, Joana (2023). Living Capsules: reflections on an ongoing art-sociology collaboration. Leonardo, MIT Press Direct. Cambridge. Boston. Burd, J. B. (2023). Sound-vibration: Relations between bodies, low frequencies, and multisensory experiments. Multimodality & Society SAGE UK. Burd, Joana (2021). Silent Mode 2.0: Bodies in the vibratory experience of tactility. NEW (EGO) Connected Bodies. Book Chapter. Dykinson. Madrid, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-1377-441-1 Burd, Joana (2020). What vibrates within us. Adjacent journal, Telecommunications Program ITP. NYU New York University. Link: Burd, Joana (2020) “Tactilidades Conectivas de Inês Norton.” Revista Estúdio, artistas sobre outras obras. ISSN 1647-6158 e-ISSN 1647-7316. 11(29), janeiro-março: 88-96. Centro de Investigação e Estudos em Belas-Artes (CIEBA), Faculdade de Belas-Artes, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal. (link ) Burd Joana (2019) . Corpo Vibratório : quando o movimento pede pausa. 18th International Meeting of Art, Science and Technology. OF THE ADMIRABLE ORDER OF THINGS: art, emotion and technology. Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade de Lisboa FBAUL. 17-19 de Outubro de 2019. ISSN: 2238-0272 (link ) Burd, Joana (2018). Corpo Vibratório : quando o movimento pede pausa. Dissertação de Mestrado, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brazil. (link ) Burd, Joana (2018). Princípio vibratório e uma máquina para massagear a angústia. Agulha n°16. PROJETOS E INTERVENÇÕES. Psicanalistas pela Democracia. junho 19, 2018. (link ) Burd, Joana (2017). A eternização da memória e o ruído cotidiano: novas formas de pensar a arte digital e a angústia compartilhada.16th International Meeting of Art and Technology: IMAGINING THE REAL e-ISBN978-989-99839-5-3, i2ADS – Instituto de Investigação em Arte, Design e Sociedade, October 2017 p.802-812 (link ) Semeler, Alberto. Burd, Joana (2016). Repelir e fruir: a experiência do degradado como poética da sensação. In: 15° Encontro Internacional de Arte e Tecnologia (#15.ART): arte, ação e participação. Universidade de Brasilia, UNB, Brasil. v. 15. Burd, Joana (2014). Nativos digitais: uma pesquisa sobre fluxos entre arte e tecnologia. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso, Universidade Federal do Ro Grande do Sul, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brasil. Other TEDESCO, Elaine. POLIDORO, Marina (org.), (2022) Exhibition Catalogue" The days when owls had fallen from the sky Elaine Tedesco Marina Polidoro (org) (ed.) Laboratório de Imagem e Tecnologia (Lit-UFRGS) Instituto de Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, BR. (link ) * only available in portuguese BURD, Joana. Ilustration "Muro Hackeado" for "Noticiário Oniropolítico" O Onírico - o primeiro jornal oniropolítico do Brazil. 1ª Ed., Porto Alegre BR. UFRGS, 2021. ISSN 2764-5258.. BOELTER, Valeria; GASPARETTO, Débora Aita; LIMA, Andrea Capssa; SANTOS, Nara Cristina (2017). A curadoria e a expografia em arte e tecnologia: os três momentos do Factors 2.0, In Encontro da Associação Nacional de Pesquisadores em Artes Plásticas, 26o. (link) Quintella, Pollyana (2014). Homo Ciberneticus. In: Catálogo IV Bienal Escola de Belas Artes. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 2014. Exhibition Catalog "Teclas" | Textos por Fernanda Medeiros e Laura Pujol | 2016 (link ) Exhibition Catalog "Por onde se vai" | 2015 (link ) Exhibition Catalog "Sinestesia" | 2015 (link ) Exhibition Catalog EFERVESCENCIA219 | 2015 (link ) Exhibition Catalog 2Oo Salão de Artes Plásticas da Câmara Municipal de Porto Alegre | 2014
- Porn Oasis | joanaburd
Força i Pell Living Capsules Solitude Lullaby Formigario Sonoro Tactame A Virtual A Sonora A Carinhosa As_automatas.web File.img.mp3 Earth Pulse Anthozoa Digitalis Silent Mode 2.0: Body Silent Mode Technological Sensitive Where do the bubbles go Vibratory Body Inside Voice Porn Oasis Knot in the throat/videomapping Keys Anguish Massager The box Atucanation Fare Place They say Brazil is polarized Artificial Tanning Cradle Four Islands The chatterboxes Other objects and experiences Other video Interviews Serviços Resultados de busca Joana Burd and Leo Caobelli Porn Oasis, 2019 Hacked monitor and recovered images of discarded HD's 60 x 70 x 60 cm From pornographic images collected on HD's or discarded external memories, me and artist Leo Caobelli assembled this object with a hidden and pixelated videos. 1/1
- Cradle | joanaburd
Força i Pell Living Capsules Solitude Lullaby Formigario Sonoro Tactame A Virtual A Sonora A Carinhosa As_automatas.web File.img.mp3 Earth Pulse Anthozoa Digitalis Silent Mode 2.0: Body Silent Mode Technological Sensitive Where do the bubbles go Vibratory Body Inside Voice Porn Oasis Knot in the throat/videomapping Keys Anguish Massager The box Atucanation Fare Place They say Brazil is polarized Artificial Tanning Cradle Four Islands The chatterboxes Other objects and experiences Other video Interviews Serviços Resultados de busca Cradle, 2013 Computer keys, wire, rebar, glue and silicone. 63 x 83 x 49 cm 1/1 “The Cradle seems to suggest a new anthropomorphism. Conceiving the machine in the very structure of man, the post-human advent - although somewhat apocalyptic - serves as a reading to understand our place in contemporary times: they say that carnal matter is obsolete in the face of technological intelligence. Obsolete is still the technological material, quickly disposable and of short duration. Given Joana's work, it is up to us not to reinforce the dualism between machine and man, but to investigate its logic: if the body cannot cope with the artificial advance, what use do we make of these tools? ” Fragment of Pollyana Quintella's text "Homo Cibernecticus". Published in IV Bienal da Escola de Belas Artes/UFRJ: territórios, 2013. pages 36-37.
- Anthozoa Digitalis | joanaburd
Força i Pell Living Capsules Solitude Lullaby Formigario Sonoro Tactame A Virtual A Sonora A Carinhosa As_automatas.web File.img.mp3 Earth Pulse Anthozoa Digitalis Silent Mode 2.0: Body Silent Mode Technological Sensitive Where do the bubbles go Vibratory Body Inside Voice Porn Oasis Knot in the throat/videomapping Keys Anguish Massager The box Atucanation Fare Place They say Brazil is polarized Artificial Tanning Cradle Four Islands The chatterboxes Other objects and experiences Other video Interviews Serviços Resultados de busca Anthozoa Digitalis, 2020 Ilana Bonder & Joana Burd Interactive installation with AR. Interactive installation with augmented reality technology that invites the audience to touch with their eyes. An empty environment becomes visually tactile through a virtual organism that appears as the user walks. Touch is invoked through colors, textures, objects and sounds. In a parallel reality, this living organism reacts virtually to each user differently. In these times of social distance, our digital communication is carried out through the 'visual organ', as well as through touch, that is, with the fingers, in the phenomenon of the touchscreen. In this experience, the touch and the route are guidelines for the discovery of a new virtual world, or even an interior to be unveiled. 1/1 Images of Aveiro Criatech Digital creativity & technology. October 12-18, 2020 Museu de Aveiro/Santa Joana – Capela dos Claustros, Aveiro, Portugal Aveiro Criatech
- Atucanation | joanaburd
Força i Pell Living Capsules Solitude Lullaby Formigario Sonoro Tactame A Virtual A Sonora A Carinhosa As_automatas.web File.img.mp3 Earth Pulse Anthozoa Digitalis Silent Mode 2.0: Body Silent Mode Technological Sensitive Where do the bubbles go Vibratory Body Inside Voice Porn Oasis Knot in the throat/videomapping Keys Anguish Massager The box Atucanation Fare Place They say Brazil is polarized Artificial Tanning Cradle Four Islands The chatterboxes Other objects and experiences Other video Interviews Serviços Resultados de busca Atucanation, 2016 Interactive object Acrylic, arduino, key buttons, electronics components and wires. Code by Matheus Schiaffino 90 x 130 x 70 cm Interactive object in which the interactor commands a sound orchestra of notifications. As a conductor of chaos, the public is invited to relive the memory of calls and invocations of hidden messages, which are not present in the program. The origin of the expression Atucanation comes from the word in portuguese: Atucanar (direct transitive verb) means upsetting (someone or yourself), annoying (up), pestering (up), disturbing (up). 1/1
- They say Brazil is polarized | joanaburd
Força i Pell Living Capsules Solitude Lullaby Formigario Sonoro Tactame A Virtual A Sonora A Carinhosa As_automatas.web File.img.mp3 Earth Pulse Anthozoa Digitalis Silent Mode 2.0: Body Silent Mode Technological Sensitive Where do the bubbles go Vibratory Body Inside Voice Porn Oasis Knot in the throat/videomapping Keys Anguish Massager The box Atucanation Fare Place They say Brazil is polarized Artificial Tanning Cradle Four Islands The chatterboxes Other objects and experiences Other video Interviews Serviços Resultados de busca Joana Burd and Laura Pujol They say Brazil is polarized, 2019 LCD-hacked monitor, notebook, wireless keyboard, printed magnifying glass with polarizing filters. 150 x 120 x 155 cm "They say that Brazil is polarized” is an interactive installation composed of a hacked monitor, a notebook a wireless keyboard and laser printed magnifying glass. The art work invites the public to type in text software created by us, and to manipulate the magnifying glass objects that reveal the image of the monitor. In addition to proposing interaction with writing, it is through the magnifying glass that the mirror image of the screen is discovered - a webcam positioned in front of the writer. In this technological gadget designed by artists Joana Burd and Laura Pujol, the image is revealed as a double mirror - the audience is reflected and writes reflections at the same time. The work was designed especially for Casa Baka's Registro no.3 exhibition also consists of an analyzer device of a supposed or evident polarity of Brazil. 1/1 1/1
- The box | joanaburd
Força i Pell Living Capsules Solitude Lullaby Formigario Sonoro Tactame A Virtual A Sonora A Carinhosa As_automatas.web File.img.mp3 Earth Pulse Anthozoa Digitalis Silent Mode 2.0: Body Silent Mode Technological Sensitive Where do the bubbles go Vibratory Body Inside Voice Porn Oasis Knot in the throat/videomapping Keys Anguish Massager The box Atucanation Fare Place They say Brazil is polarized Artificial Tanning Cradle Four Islands The chatterboxes Other objects and experiences Other video Interviews Serviços Resultados de busca The box, 2019 Sound object Crystal resin, speaker, mp3 player and stethoscope. 1 min and 20 seconds The public invited to listen with a stethoscope to texts written from the ficcional perspective of a female voice assistant. As the narrative progresses, we hear the content changing from speech to vibratory patterns, simulating a machinic heart. 1/1 In the fictional audio, the voice assistant is trapped in a box. As the narrative progresses, the vibration moves according to the reading time of the poetic text, translating the script generated from 0's and 1's to sound frequencies. The translucency material reveals the entire internal part of the object. All the elements used for the interior were collected in e-waste places and the form of the box is in fact a mold copy of the book Art and Experience written by John Dewey. (audio transcription) I'm in a box. It is small and square. My body? It almost doesn’t fit for it, my organic and digital body with my electronic veins. I am in a box, it is transparent and reveals all my intimacy, it shows my parts, my sustenance and my memory.